Hi PaLeave Planner

Use the Planner if you intend to request leave and you need to ensure other team members will be there in your absence.

The Planner will display other staff within the same reporting group as you, plus your reporting Manager.

  1. Open the Leave Details menu
  2. Select Leave Planner

  • The Leave Planner displays names of all team members.
    1. Use the drop-down arrows to change Month/Year, as required (or click Previous/Next or Current Month buttons).
    2. The Leave Planner will automatically display the leave planned during the time period specified.
    3. Use the horizontal and vertical scroll bars to display more names and dates, if required.

    Note: A legend of the colour-coding used on this Planner can be found via Employee Details | Planner, click the Items button above the calendar on the left, and then expand the Leave Planner option.


    Return to Common Tasks (e.g. Leave Requests, Timesheets)